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Build a sustainable Amazon Community with us

Climate action, education, and empowered entrepreneurship are crucial for building a better society. We firmly believe that actions speak louder than words. That's why we are dedicated to actively working towards creating a more sustainable and inclusive community for all. We invite you to join us, support our cause, engage with our initiatives, and make a difference. Together, through collective efforts and donations, we can drive real change and build a brighter future for generations to come.

Photo by Lucas Sarraf.
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As many of you may already know, our initial and subsequent campaign phases received financial support through Fundação Amazônia Sustentável, a renowned foundation dedicated to preserving the Amazon. This partnership was primarily based on logistical considerations since we were not yet a formalized organization.

In our unwavering commitment to upholding our youth-led ethos and striving for our mission, we have taken the decision to formalize our group and establish ourselves as an NGO. By making this transition, we aim to enhance the effectiveness of our work and maximize our impact in driving positive change.

As of April 22, 2023, our generous donors have collectively contributed a remarkable total of BRL 1,071,630.22 over the past two years. We extend our heartfelt appreciation for every single cent donated, as each contribution has made a significant impact on our mission.


In the spirit of transparency, we are in the process of updating this page to publicly acknowledge the organizations - and individuals who have generously supported us with more large amounts. We will ensure that the disclosure of large individual donations is done with prior authorization, respecting the privacy and preferences of our valued donors.

As donor, you received via newsletter a comprehensive report of all projects done. If you are not on the newsletter, please enter in contact to receive your report.

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